Nothing quite beats the joy of seeing your first few affiliate sales coming in. You’ve been looking at your stats daily and finally, your efforts are yielding fruit.

Once this happens, most affiliates ramp up their efforts to get more sales and commissions. After all, progress is happiness and success breeds success.

While affiliate marketing on WarriorPlus can be very lucrative, if you truly wish to skyrocket your earnings exponentially, you may wish to become a vendor too.

Of course, this will require more work such as product creation, building a funnel, providing customer support and so on.

But your extra effort will have a massive effect on your bottom-line.  Let’s see how becoming a WarriorPlus vendor will benefit you…

* Builds a buyer list
We’ve all heard that the money is in the list, and your relationship with the subscribers on that list. What’s often overlooked is that there are two types of lists – a buyer/customer list and a list of people who are just ‘interested’.
A buyer list is infinitely more valuable than a list of freebie seekers or those who are just interested in reading your emails, but not willing to buy anything.

When you’re a vendor, you’ll be able to build a list of buyers. This will allow for repeat sales in future and you can also promote affiliate products to them. In other words, being a vendor will improve your performance as an affiliate too.

* Increases your credibility
People automatically look at someone who is selling their own products as an authority in the scene. By becoming a vendor, you’ll increase your credibility and look like a real player in the game rather than a spectator at the stands cheering for your winning team.

Being a vendor helps you build your brand as you create a line of products that will generate sales for you over and over.

* Helps generate more sales
Vendors are also able to ‘reciprocate’ for other vendors’ launches. This term often has a negative connotation because marketers blindly promote each other just to increase sales. Nary a thought is given to the quality of the product.
However, if done right, reciprocation is a very powerful ‘tool’ to help you generate more sales and profit.

For example, if you’ve released a WordPress plugin and another vendor promotes your product, in future, you can promote their WordPress theme when they are having a launch.

This is just an example, but you get the idea. One hand washes the other. That’s reciprocation in a nutshell, and as long as the customers are not being short-changed, you’re golden.

You can’t do this as an affiliate because you have no product that anyone can reciprocate for. All you’re doing is promoting other people’s launches – and that’s leaving money on the table.

* More flexibility
As a WarriorPlus vendor, you’ll have access to the thousands of affiliates on the platform. While most won’t do much for your sales, there are enough good affiliates out there whom you can recruit to promote your product.

You’ll get more sales and if your product sells well, your affiliates will be much more likely to promote your future products.

* The benefits of WarriorPlus
The platform itself makes a very compelling case as to why you should be a vendor. It’s a stable platform with a plethora of options and features for you to use to ramp up your sales.

There’s tracking, stats, pixels, the ability to build unlimited funnels, a choice of how your buy buttons will look, PayPal and Stripe payment processor options and much more.

It’s easy and relatively intuitive to use (once you get the hang of it) and there are many tutorial videos on YouTube to guide you.

There’s even a Facebook group where you can get support:
It’s free to list your products on WarriorPlus and they only take a small percentage of your sale when you sell.

So, you’re not out of pocket if you’ve not generated any sales. This is useful to the budget-conscious vendor who is just starting out.

By now, you’ll realize that being a vendor on WarriorPlus will open many more opportunities for you to grow your business and scale up your income.

Affiliate marketing is great, but being a vendor is definitely something to aim for. You may never look back after that.